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Te Karanga ki ngā Taniwha - Closing Event

  • Te Whare Hēra Clyde Quay Wharf Wellington, Wellington, 6011 New Zealand (map)

Join us for the closing of Te Karanga ki ngā Taniwha. 

The kaupapa of mixed race artist, Linda Lee's (Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Huia, Ngāti Kuri,Te Aopōuri, Te Rarawa), Te Karanga ki ngā Taniwha, wrapped under the Shared Lines banner was focused on further researching pūrākau and the rich history of Te Whanganui-a-Tara, beginning with Māui and the giant fish, the story of Te Ūpoko o te Ika, tales of Ngake and Whātaitai, the history of Māori settlement and the impacts of colonisation on Māori. 

Te Karanga ki ngā Taniwha at Te Whare Hēra will introduce people to the ancestral taniwha of Pōneke, helping us to understand why our tupuna held them in such high esteem and how we can maintain relationships with them today.

She explains, “As our ancient guide to resource management, we will examine the role of taniwha and their many functions, and consider our disconnection with the natural world. This is increasingly relevant in the face of climate change and even the current pandemic.”

Listen to and see works that were made by Linda Lee and fellow practitioners and researchers interested in Te Ao Māori during the residency.

The project was kindly supported by Wllis Bond, Athfield Artchitects, Wellington City Council, Wellington Gardens Te Whare Hēra, Toi Rauwhārangi, College of Creative Arts, Massey University.

Linda would like to acknowledge and thank,
Taranaki Whānui, Te Āti Awa
Te Whare Hēra
Toi Rauwhārangi, College of Creative Arts, Massey University

Wellington City Council

21 August

Shared Lines Japan, Pacific Ring of Fire and Aotearoa Zoom Hui

19 September

Julieth Morales - Textiles Workshop